Friday, 25 July 2014

Hi guys,

As I had the time, this the 2nd person that I'll be introducing to you guys.

Her name is Esther and here is her photo.

Well...She doesn't want to show her beautiful face so I decided to use this anime girl to represent her as she has amazing body and beautiful long hair. Her username is Beautify_23 

Well I signing out so bye, 


Saturday, 5 July 2014

Hi guys,

Sorry that I did not update my blog in like ages.....but I have awesome news I have recruited 2 person to help me update my blog most of the time and they will be helping me in everything. Here is here picture:

( I deleted the previous picture.)

So that is Rachel.....and her username is Kawaii_10.

I will update the second person soon.

Signing Out,



I need to ask you all a you like my videos? Please comment so that I can improve on my videos.

Sorry guys this is a short question but I'm deperate.(-_-)

Signing out,
